A general base class representing decays.
- class decaylanguage.modeling.decay.ModelDecay(particle, daughters=[], name=None)[source]¶
This describes a decay very generally, with search and print features. Subclassed for further usage.
- list_structure(final_states)[source]¶
The structure in the form [(0,1,2,3)], where the dual-list is used for permutations for bose symmatrization. So for final_states=[a,b,c,c], [a,c,[c,b]] would be: [(0,2,3,1),(0,3,2,1)]
- property structure¶
The structure of the decay chain, simplified to only final state particles
A class representing a set of decays. Can be subclassed to provide custom converters.
- class decaylanguage.modeling.amplitudechain.AmplitudeChain(particle, daughters=[], lineshape=None, spinfactor=None, amp=1 + 0j, err=0j, fix=True, name=None)[source]¶
This is a chain of decays (a “line”)
- expand_lines(linelist)[source]¶
Take a DecayTree -> list of DecayTrees with each dead-end daughter expanded to every possible combination. (recursive)
This is a GooFit adaptor for amplitude chain.
- class decaylanguage.modeling.goofit.DecayStructure(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]¶
- class decaylanguage.modeling.goofit.GooFitChain(particle, daughters=[], lineshape=None, spinfactor=None, amp=1 + 0j, err=0j, fix=True, name=None)[source]¶
Class to read an AmpGen options file and return GooFit C++ code.
- property decay_structure¶
Determine if decay proceeds via two resonances or cascade decay.
- property formfactor¶
Return form factor based on relative angular momentum L.
- classmethod make_intro(all_states)[source]¶
Write out definitions of constant variables and vectors to hold intermediate values.
- make_lineshape(structure, masses)[source]¶
Write out the line shapes. Each kind of line shape is treated separately.
- classmethod read_ampgen(*args, **kargs)[source]¶
Read in an AmpGen file.
- Returns:
Array of AmplitudeChains, event type.
- property spinfactors¶
Check if the spin structure is known and return it together with the form factor.
- class decaylanguage.modeling.goofit.GooFitPyChain(particle, daughters=[], lineshape=None, spinfactor=None, amp=1 + 0j, err=0j, fix=True, name=None)[source]¶
Class to read an AmpGen options file and return a GooFit Python script.
- property decay_structure¶
Determine if the decay proceeds via two resonances or a cascade decay.
- property formfactor¶
Return the form factor based on relative angular momentum L.
- classmethod make_intro(all_states)[source]¶
Write out definitions of constant variables and lists to hold intermediate values.
- make_lineshape(structure, masses)[source]¶
Write out the line shapes. Each kind of line shape is treated separately.
- classmethod read_ampgen(*args, **kargs)[source]¶
Read in the AmpGen file.
- Returns:
Array of AmplitudeChains, event type.
- property spinfactors¶
Check if the spin structure is known and return it together with the form factor.