Source code for decaylanguage.decay.decay

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024, Eduardo Rodrigues and Henry Schreiner.
# Distributed under the 3-clause BSD license, see accompanying file LICENSE
# or for details.

from __future__ import annotations

from collections import Counter
from import Sequence
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import product
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List

from particle import PDGID, ParticleNotFound
from particle.converters import EvtGenName2PDGIDBiMap
from particle.exceptions import MatchingIDNotFound

from .._compat.typing import Self, TypedDict
from ..utils import DescriptorFormat, charge_conjugate_name

    CounterStr = Counter[str]  # pragma: no cover
    CounterStr = Counter

class DecayModeDict(TypedDict):
    bf: float
    fs: Sequence[str | DecayChainDict]
    model: str
    model_params: str | Sequence[str | Any]

DecayChainDict = Dict[str, List[DecayModeDict]]

[docs] class DaughtersDict(CounterStr): """ Class holding a decay final state as a dictionary. It is a building block for the digital representation of full decay chains. Note ---- This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the ``charge_conjugate`` method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings). Example ------- A final state such as 'K+ K- K- pi+ pi0' is stored as ``{'K+': 1, 'K-': 2, 'pi+': 1, 'pi0': 1}``. """ def __init__( self, iterable: dict[str, int] | list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None = None, **kwds: Any, ) -> None: """ Default constructor. Note ---- This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the ``charge_conjugate`` method (refer to its documentation). Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings). Examples -------- >>> # An empty final state >>> dd = DaughtersDict() >>> # Constructor from a dictionary >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K+': 1, 'K-': 2, 'pi+': 1, 'pi0': 3}) >>> # Constructor from a list of particle names >>> dd = DaughtersDict(['K+', 'K-', 'K-', 'pi+', 'pi0']) >>> # Constructor from a string representing the final state >>> dd = DaughtersDict('K+ K- pi0') >>> # "Mixed" constructor >>> dd = DaughtersDict('K+ K-', pi0=1, gamma=2) """ if isinstance(iterable, dict): iterable = {k: v for k, v in iterable.items() if v > 0} elif iterable and isinstance(iterable, str): iterable = iterable.split() super().__init__(iterable, **kwds)
[docs] @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, iterable, v=None): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] # ==> Comment copied from Counter.fromkeys(): # There is no equivalent method for counters because the semantics # would be ambiguous in cases such as Counter.fromkeys('aaabbc', v=2). # Initializing counters to zero values isn't necessary because zero # is already the default value for counter lookups. Initializing # to one is easily accomplished with Counter(set(iterable)). For # more exotic cases, create a dictionary first using a dictionary # comprehension or dict.fromkeys(). raise NotImplementedError( "DaughtersDict.fromkeys() is undefined, just as Counter.fromkeys(). Use DaughtersDict(iterable) instead." )
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """ Return the daughters as a string representation (ordered list of names). """ return " ".join(sorted(self.elements()))
[docs] def to_list(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the daughters as an ordered list of names. """ return sorted(self.elements())
[docs] def charge_conjugate(self, pdg_name: bool = False) -> Self: """ Return the charge-conjugate final state. Parameters ---------- pdg_name: str, optional, default=False Input particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name. Examples -------- >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K+': 2, 'pi0': 1}) >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['K-', 'K-', 'pi0']> >>> >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K_S0': 1, 'pi0': 1}) >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['K_S0', 'pi0']> >>> >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K(S)0': 1, 'pi+': 1}) # PDG names! >>> # 'K(S)0' unrecognised in charge conjugation unless specified that these are PDG names >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['ChargeConj(K(S)0)', 'pi-']> >>> dd.charge_conjugate(pdg_name=True) <DaughtersDict: ['K(S)0', 'pi-']> """ return self.__class__( {charge_conjugate_name(p, pdg_name): n for p, n in self.items()} )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}: {self.to_list()}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self) def __len__(self) -> int: """ Return the length, i.e. the number of final-state particles. Note ---- This is generally *not* the number of dictionary elements. """ return sum(self.values()) def __add__(self, other: Self) -> Self: # type: ignore[override] """ Add two final states, particle-type-wise. """ dd = super().__add__(other) return self.__class__(dd) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return self.elements()
[docs] class DecayMode: """ Class holding a particle decay mode, which is typically a branching fraction and a list of final-state particles (i.e. a list of DaughtersDict instances). The class can also contain metadata such as decay model and optional decay-model parameters, as defined for example in .dec decay files. This class is a building block for the digital representation of full decay chains. Note ---- This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the ``charge_conjugate`` method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings). """ __slots__ = ("bf", "daughters", "metadata") def __init__( self, bf: float = 0, daughters: ( DaughtersDict | dict[str, int] | list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None ) = None, **info: Any, ) -> None: """ Default constructor. Parameters ---------- bf: float, optional, default=0 Decay mode branching fraction. daughters: iterable or DaughtersDict, optional, default=None The final-state particles. info: keyword arguments, optional Decay mode model information and/or user metadata (aka extra info) By default the following elements are always created: dict(model=None, model_params=None). The user can provide any metadata, see the examples below. Note ---- This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the ``charge_conjugate`` method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings). Examples -------- >>> # A 'default' and hence empty, decay mode >>> dm = DecayMode() >>> # Decay mode with minimal input information >>> dd = DaughtersDict('K+ K-') >>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, dd) >>> # Decay mode with minimal input information, simpler version >>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, 'K+ K-') >>> # Decay mode with decay model information >>> dd = DaughtersDict('pi- pi0 nu_tau') >>> dm = DecayMode(0.2551, dd, ... model='TAUHADNU', ... model_params=[-0.108, 0.775, 0.149, 1.364, 0.400]) >>> # Decay mode with user metadata >>> dd = DaughtersDict('K+ K-') >>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, dd, model='PHSP', study='toy', year=2019) >>> # Decay mode with metadata for generators such as zfit's phasespace >>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, "K+ K-", zfit={"B0": "gauss"}) >>> dm.metadata['zfit'] == {'B0': 'gauss'} True """ = bf if daughters is None and "fs" in info: daughters = info.pop("fs") self.daughters = DaughtersDict(daughters) self.metadata: dict[str, str | None] = {"model": "", "model_params": ""} self.metadata.update(**info)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, decay_mode_dict: DecayModeDict, ) -> Self: """ Constructor from a dictionary of the form {'bf': <float>, 'fs': [...], ...}. These two keys are mandatory. All others are interpreted as model information or metadata, see the constructor signature and doc. Note ---- This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the ``charge_conjugate`` method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings). Examples -------- >>> # Simplest construction >>> DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.98823, 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma']}) <DecayMode: daughters=gamma gamma, BF=0.98823> >>> # Decay mode with decay model details >>> DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.98823, ... 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma'], ... 'model': 'PHSP', ... 'model_params': ''}) <DecayMode: daughters=gamma gamma, BF=0.98823> >>> # Decay mode with metadata for generators such as zfit's phasespace >>> dm = DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.5, 'fs': ["K+, K-"], "zfit": {"B0": "gauss"}}) >>> dm.metadata {'model': '', 'model_params': '', 'zfit': {'B0': 'gauss'}} """ dm = deepcopy(decay_mode_dict) # Ensure the input dict has the 2 required keys 'bf' and 'fs' if not dm.keys() >= {"bf", "fs"}: raise RuntimeError("Input not in the expected format! Needs 'bf' and 'fs'") return cls(**dm)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pdgids( cls, bf: float = 0, daughters: list[int] | tuple[int] | None = None, **info: Any, ) -> Self: """ Constructor for a final state given as a list of particle PDG IDs. Parameters ---------- bf: float, optional, default=0 Decay mode branching fraction. daughters: list or tuple, optional, default=None The final-state particle PDG IDs. info: keyword arguments, optional Decay mode model information and/or user metadata (aka extra info) By default the following elements are always created: dict(model=None, model_params=None). The user can provide any metadata, see the examples below. Note ---- All particle names are internally saved as EvtGen names, to be consistent with the default class assumption, see class docstring. Examples -------- >>> DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, [321, -321]) <DecayMode: daughters=K+ K-, BF=0.5> >>> DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, (310, 310)) <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 K_S0, BF=0.5> >>> # Decay mode with metadata >>> dm = DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, (310, 310), model="PHSP") >>> dm.metadata {'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''} """ if not daughters: return cls(bf=bf, daughters=None, **info) try: _daughters = [EvtGenName2PDGIDBiMap[PDGID(d)] for d in daughters] except MatchingIDNotFound: # The bi-map raises a MatchingIDNotFound for missed match # but better and more natural to raise a "particle not found" # as the former is a technical, implementation, detail. raise ParticleNotFound("Please check your input PDG IDs!") from None # Override the default settings with the user input, if any return cls(bf=bf, daughters=_daughters, **info)
[docs] def describe(self) -> str: """ Make a nice high-density string for all decay-mode properties and info. """ val = """Daughters: {daughters} , BF: {bf:<15.8g} Decay model: {model} {model_params}""".format( daughters=" ".join(self.daughters),, model=self.metadata["model"], model_params=( self.metadata["model_params"] if self.metadata["model_params"] is not None else "" ), ) keys = [k for k in self.metadata if k not in ("model", "model_params")] if keys: val += "\n Extra info:\n" for key in keys: val += f" {key}: {self.metadata[key]}\n" return val
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict[str, int | float | str | list[str]]: """ Return the decay mode as a dictionary in the format understood by the ``DecayChainViewer`` class. Examples -------- >>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, 'K+ K- K- pi- pi0 nu_tau', model='PHSP', study='toy', year=2019) >>> dm.to_dict() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'bf': 0.5, 'fs': ['K+', 'K-', 'K-', 'nu_tau', 'pi-', 'pi0'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': '', 'study': 'toy', 'year': 2019} """ d = {"bf":, "fs": self.daughters.to_list()} d.update(self.metadata) if d["model_params"] is None: d["model_params"] = "" return d # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def charge_conjugate(self, pdg_name: bool = False) -> Self: """ Return the charge-conjugate decay mode. Parameters ---------- pdg_name: str, optional, default=False Input particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name. Examples -------- >>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K+ K+ pi-') >>> dm.charge_conjugate() <DecayMode: daughters=K- K- pi+, BF=1.0> >>> >>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K_S0 pi+') >>> dm.charge_conjugate() <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 pi-, BF=1.0> >>> >>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K(S)0 pi+') # PDG names! >>> dm.charge_conjugate(pdg_name=True) <DecayMode: daughters=K(S)0 pi-, BF=1.0> """ return self.__class__(, self.daughters.charge_conjugate(pdg_name), **self.metadata )
def __len__(self) -> int: """ The "length" of a decay mode is the number of final-state particles. """ return len(self.daughters) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{self.__class__.__name__}: daughters={daughters}, BF={bf}>".format( self=self, daughters=self.daughters.to_string() if len(self.daughters) > 0 else "[]",, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)
def _has_no_subdecay(ds: list[Any]) -> bool: """ Internal function to check whether the input list is an end-of-chain final state or a final state with further sub-decays. Example end-of-chain final state: ['pi+', 'pi-'] Example final state with further sub-decays: [{'K_S0': [{'bf': 0.692, 'fs': ['pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': '', 'model_params': ''}]}, 'pi+', 'pi-'] """ return all(isinstance(p, str) for p in ds) def _build_decay_modes( decay_modes: dict[str, DecayMode], dc_dict: DecayChainDict ) -> None: """ Internal recursive function that identifies and creates all ``DecayMode`` instances effectively contained in the dict representation of a ``DecayChain``, which is for example the format returned by ``DecFileParser.build_decay_chains(...)``, Given the input dict representation of a ``DecayChain`` it returns a dict of mother particles and their final states as ``DecayMode`` instances. Parameters ---------- decay_modes: dict A dict to be populated with the decay modes ``DecayMode`` built from the input decay chain dictionary. dc_dict: dict The input decay chain dictionary. Note ---- Only single chains are supported, meaning every decaying particle can only define a single decay mode. Examples -------- The simple example with no sub-decays: >>> dc_dict = { ... "anti-D0": [ ... { ... "bf": 1.0, ... "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], ... "model": "PHSP", ... "model_params": "" ... } ... ] ... } >>> # It provides >>> decay_modes = {} >>> _build_decay_modes(decay_modes, dc_dict) >>> decay_modes {'anti-D0': <DecayMode: daughters=K+ pi-, BF=1.0>} A more complicated example with a sub-decay and more than one mode { "anti-D*0": [ { "bf": 0.619, "fs": [ { "anti-D0": [ { "bf": 1.0, "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], "model": "PHSP", "model_params": "" } ] }, "pi0" ], "model": "VSS", "model_params": "" } ] } provides {'anti-D0': <DecayMode: daughters=K+ pi-, BF=1.0>, 'anti-D*0': <DecayMode: daughters=anti-D0 pi0, BF=0.619>} """ mother = next(iter(dc_dict.keys())) dms = dc_dict[mother] for dm in dms: # Single decay chains are allowed, which means a particle cannot have 2 decay modes if mother in decay_modes: raise RuntimeError("Input is not a single decay chain!") from None try: fs = dm["fs"] except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( "Internal dict representation not in the expected format - no 'fs' key is present!" ) from e assert isinstance(fs, list) if _has_no_subdecay(fs): decay_modes[mother] = DecayMode.from_dict(dm) else: d = deepcopy(dm) fs_local = d["fs"] assert isinstance(fs_local, list) for i, ifs in enumerate(fs_local): if isinstance(ifs, dict): # Replace the element with the key and # store the present decay mode ignoring sub-decays fs_local[i] = next(iter(ifs.keys())) # Recursively continue ... _build_decay_modes(decay_modes, fs[i]) # Create the decay mode now that none of its particles # has a sub-decay decay_modes[mother] = DecayMode.from_dict(d) def _expand_decay_modes( decay_chain: DecayChainDict, *, top: bool = True, aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None, ) -> list[str]: """Given a dict with 1 key (the mother particle) whose value is a list of decay modes, recursively replace all decay modes with decay descriptors. Parameters ---------- decay_chain: dict A dict representing decay chains, such as returned by DecayChain.to_dict or DecFileParser.build_decay_chains. top: bool, optional, default=True Whether the passed decay chain is the top-level or not (should usually be True: only really set to False when recursing the function). aliases: dict[str, str], optional, default={} Mapping of names to replace. Useful when dealing with DecFiles that have Alias statements. Examples -------- A simple example with no sub-decays: { "anti-D0": [ { "bf": 1.0, "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], "model": "PHSP", "model_params": "" } ] } becomes the dict { "anti-D0": [ "anti-D0 -> K+ pi-" ] } A more complicated example with a sub-decay and more than one mode: { "anti-D*0": [ { "bf": 0.619, "fs": [ { "anti-D0": [ { "bf": 1.0, "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], "model": "PHSP", "model_params": "" } ] }, "pi0" ], "model": "VSS", "model_params": "" }, { "bf": 0.381, "fs": [ { "anti-D0": [ { "bf": 1.0, "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], "model": "PHSP", "model_params": "" } ] }, "gamma" ], "model": "VSP_PWAVE", "model_params": "" } ] } becomes the dict { "anti-D*0": [ "anti-D*0 -> (anti-D0 -> K+ pi-) pi0", "anti-D*0 -> (anti-D0 -> K+ pi-) gamma", ] } and an example alias dict: {"MyAntiD0": "anti-D0"} can be used with { "MyAntiD0": [ { "bf": 1.0, "fs": ["K+", "pi-"], "model": "PHSP", "model_params": "" } ] } to result in { 'MyAntiD0': [ 'anti-D0 -> K+ pi-' ] } """ def _get_modes(decay_chain: DecayChainDict) -> list[DecayModeDict]: # The list of decay modes is the first (and only) value of the dict assert len(decay_chain.values()) == 1 modes = list(decay_chain.values()) return modes[0] def _get_fs(decay: DecayModeDict) -> list[Any]: fs = decay["fs"] if isinstance(fs, list): return fs raise TypeError(f"Expected list, not {type(fs)}") # The mother particle is the first (and only) key of the dict assert len(decay_chain.keys()) == 1 orig_mother = next(iter(decay_chain.keys())) mother = aliases.get(orig_mother, orig_mother) if aliases else orig_mother for mode in _get_modes(decay_chain): for fsp in _get_fs(mode): if isinstance(fsp, dict): _expand_decay_modes(fsp, top=False, aliases=aliases) # Replace dicts with strings (decay descriptors) expanded_modes = [] for mode in _get_modes(decay_chain): fsp_options = [] for fsp in _get_fs(mode): if isinstance(fsp, dict): fsp_options += [_get_modes(fsp)] elif isinstance(fsp, str): fsp_options += [[fsp]] # type: ignore[list-item] for expanded_mode in product(*fsp_options): # TODO: delegate descriptor-building to another function # allow for different conventions? final_state = DaughtersDict(list(expanded_mode)).to_string() descriptor = DescriptorFormat.format_descriptor(mother, final_state, top) expanded_modes += [descriptor] decay_chain[orig_mother] = expanded_modes # type: ignore[assignment] return expanded_modes
[docs] class DecayChain: """ Class holding a particle (single) decay chain, which is typically a top-level decay (mother particle, branching fraction and final-state particles) and a set of sub-decays for any non-stable particle in the top-level decay. The whole chain can be seen as a mother particle and a list of chained decay modes. This class is the main building block for the digital representation of full decay chains. Note ---- 1) Only single chains are supported, meaning every decaying particle can only define a single decay mode. 2) This class does not assume any kind of particle names (EvtGen, PDG). It is nevertheless advised to default use EvtGen names for consistency with the defaults used in the related classes ``DecayMode`` and ``DaughtersDict``, unless there is a good motivation not to. """ __slots__ = ("mother", "decays") def __init__(self, mother: str, decays: dict[str, DecayMode]) -> None: """ Default constructor. Parameters ---------- mother: str Input mother particle of the top-level decay. decays: iterable The decay modes. Examples -------- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0', model='PHSP') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2, 'pi0':dm3}) """ if mother not in decays: raise RuntimeError( "Input decay modes do not include the mother particle!" ) from None self.mother = mother self.decays = decays
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, decay_chain_dict: DecayChainDict) -> Self: """ Constructor from a decay chain represented as a dictionary. The format is the same as that returned by ``DecFileParser.build_decay_chains(...)``. """ try: assert len(decay_chain_dict.keys()) == 1 except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Input not in the expected format!") from e decay_modes: dict[str, DecayMode] = {} mother = next(iter(decay_chain_dict.keys())) _build_decay_modes(decay_modes, decay_chain_dict) return cls(mother, decay_modes)
[docs] def top_level_decay(self) -> DecayMode: """ Return the top-level decay as a ``DecayMode`` instance. """ return self.decays[self.mother]
@property def bf(self) -> float: """ Branching fraction of the top-level decay. """ return self.top_level_decay().bf @property def visible_bf(self) -> float: """ Visible branching fraction of the whole decay chain. Note ---- Calculation requires a flattening of the entire decay chain. """ return self.flatten().bf @property def ndecays(self) -> int: """ Return the number of decay modes including the top-level decay. """ return len(self.decays)
[docs] def to_string(self) -> str: """ One-line string representation of the entire decay chain. Sub-decays are enclosed in round parentheses. Examples -------- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.6770, "D0 pi+") # D*+ >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.0124, "K_S0 pi0") # D0 >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.692, "pi+ pi-") # K_S0 >>> dm4 = DecayMode(0.98823, "gamma gamma") # pi0 >>> dc = DecayChain("D*+", {"D*+":dm1, "D0":dm2, "K_S0":dm3, "pi0":dm4}) >>> print(dc.to_string()) D*+ -> (D0 -> (K_S0 -> pi+ pi-) (pi0 -> gamma gamma)) pi+ """ dc_dict = self.to_dict() descriptors = _expand_decay_modes(dc_dict, top=True) assert len(descriptors) == 1 return descriptors[0]
[docs] def print_as_tree(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Tree-structure like print of the entire decay chain. Examples -------- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.028, 'K_S0 pi+ pi-') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D0 +--> K_S0 | +--> pi+ | +--> pi- +--> pi+ +--> pi- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2, 'pi0':dm3}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D0 +--> K_S0 | +--> pi+ | +--> pi- +--> pi0 +--> gamma +--> gamma >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.6770, 'D0 pi+') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm4 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D*+', {'D*+':dm1, 'D0':dm2, 'K_S0':dm3, 'pi0':dm4}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D*+ +--> D0 | +--> K_S0 | | +--> pi+ | | +--> pi- | +--> pi0 | +--> gamma | +--> gamma +--> pi+ """ indent = 4 arrow = "+--> " bar = "|" # pylint: disable=disallowed-name # TODO: simplify logic and perform further checks def _print( decay_dict: DecayChainDict, depth: int = 0, link: bool = False, last: bool = False, ) -> None: mother = next(iter(decay_dict.keys())) prefix = bar if (link and depth > 1) else "" prefix = prefix + " " * indent * (depth - 1) for i_decay in decay_dict[mother]: print(prefix, arrow if depth > 0 else "", mother, sep="") # noqa: T201 fsps = i_decay["fs"] n = len(list(fsps)) depth += 1 for j, fsp in enumerate(fsps): prefix = bar if (link and depth > 1) else "" if last: prefix = prefix + " " * indent * (depth - 1) + " " else: prefix = (prefix + " " * indent) * (depth - 1) if isinstance(fsp, str): print(prefix, arrow, fsp, sep="") # noqa: T201 else: _print( fsp, depth=depth, link=(link or (j < n - 1)), last=(j == n - 1), ) dc_dict = self.to_dict() _print(dc_dict)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> DecayChainDict: """ Return the decay chain as a dictionary representation. The format is the same as ``DecFileParser.build_decay_chains(...)``. Examples -------- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.028, 'K_S0 pi+ pi-') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2}) >>> dc.to_dict() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'D0': [{'bf': 0.028, 'fs': [{'K_S0': [{'bf': 0.692, 'fs': ['pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': '', 'model_params': ''}]}, 'pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': '', 'model_params': ''}]} """ # Ideally this would be a recursive type, DecayDict = Dict[str, list[str | DecayDict]] DecayDict = Dict[str, List[Any]] def recursively_replace(mother: str) -> DecayDict: dm = self.decays[mother].to_dict() result = [] list_fsp = dm["fs"] assert isinstance(list_fsp, list) for pos, fsp in enumerate(list_fsp): if fsp in self.decays: list_fsp[pos] = recursively_replace(fsp) # type: ignore[call-overload] result.append(dm) return {mother: result} return recursively_replace(self.mother)
[docs] def flatten( self, stable_particles: Iterable[dict[str, int] | list[str] | str] = (), ) -> Self: """ Flatten the decay chain replacing all intermediate, decaying particles, with their final states. Parameters ---------- stable_particles: iterable, optional, default=() If provided, ignores the sub-decays of the listed particles, considering them as stable. Note ---- After flattening the only ``DecayMode`` metadata kept is that of the top-level decay, i.e. that of the mother particle (nothing else would make sense). Examples -------- >>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0', model='PHSP') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2, 'pi0':dm3}) >>> >>> dc.flatten() <DecayChain: D0 -> gamma gamma pi+ pi- (0 sub-decays), BF=0.008479803984> >>> dc.flatten().to_dict() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {'D0': [{'bf': 0.008479803984, 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma', 'pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}]} >>> dc.flatten(stable_particles=('K_S0', 'pi0')).decays {'D0': <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 pi0, BF=0.0124>} """ vis_bf = fs = DaughtersDict(self.decays[self.mother].daughters) if stable_particles: keys = [k for k in self.decays if k not in stable_particles] else: keys = list(self.decays.keys()) keys.insert(0, keys.pop(keys.index(self.mother))) further_to_replace = True while further_to_replace: for k in keys: if k in fs: n_k = fs[k] vis_bf *= self.decays[k].bf ** n_k for _ in range(n_k): fs += self.decays[k].daughters fs[k] -= n_k further_to_replace = any(fs[_k] > 0 for _k in keys) return self.__class__( self.mother, {self.mother: DecayMode(vis_bf, fs, **self.top_level_decay().metadata)}, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{self.__class__.__name__}: {mother} -> {tldecay} ({n} sub-decays), BF={bf}>".format( self=self, mother=self.mother, tldecay=self.top_level_decay().daughters.to_string(), n=len(self.decays) - 1,, ) def __str__(self) -> str: return repr(self)