Source code for decaylanguage.modeling.decay

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024, Eduardo Rodrigues and Henry Schreiner.
# Distributed under the 3-clause BSD license, see accompanying file LICENSE
# or for details.

A general base class representing decays.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from itertools import product

import attr

from ..utils import iter_flatten

    import graphviz
except ImportError:
    graphviz = None
        "Graphviz is not installed. Line display not available.", stacklevel=1

[docs] @attr.s(slots=True) class ModelDecay: """ This describes a decay very generally, with search and print features. Subclassed for further usage. """ particle = attr.ib() daughters = attr.ib([], converter=lambda x: x if x else []) name = attr.ib(None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if is None: = def is_vertex(self): return len(self) == 2 def is_strong(self): if not self.is_vertex(): return None return set(self.particle.quarks) == set(self[0].particle.quarks).union( set(self[1].particle.quarks) ) def __len__(self): return len(self.daughters) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.daughters[item] def _get_html(self): """ Get the html dot representation of this node only. Override in subclasses. """ return self.particle.html_name def _add_nodes(self, drawing): name = self._get_html() drawing.node(str(id(self)), "<" + name + ">") for p in self.daughters: drawing.edge(str(id(self)), str(id(p))) p._add_nodes(drawing) @property def vertexes(self): verts = [] for d in self.daughters: if d.is_vertex(): verts.append(d) verts += d.vertexes return verts @property def structure(self): """ The structure of the decay chain, simplified to only final state particles """ if self.daughters: return [d.structure for d in self.daughters] return self.particle
[docs] def list_structure(self, final_states): """ The structure in the form [(0,1,2,3)], where the dual-list is used for permutations for bose symmatrization. So for final_states=[a,b,c,c], [a,c,[c,b]] would be: [(0,2,3,1),(0,3,2,1)] """ structure = list(iter_flatten(self.structure)) if set(structure) - set(final_states): raise RuntimeError( "The final states must encompass all particles in final states!" ) possibilities = [ [i for i, v in enumerate(final_states) if v == name] for name in structure ] return [a for a in product(*possibilities) if len(set(a)) == len(a)]
def __str__(self): name = str(self.particle) if self.daughters: name += "{" + ",".join(map(str, self.daughters)) + "}" return name if graphviz: def _make_graphviz(self): d = graphviz.Digraph() d.attr(labelloc="t", label=str(self)) self._add_nodes(d) return d def _repr_mimebundle_(self, include=None, exclude=None, **kwargs): try: return self._make_graphviz()._repr_mimebundle_( include=include, exclude=exclude, **kwargs ) except AttributeError: return { "image/svg+xml": self._make_graphviz()._repr_svg_() } # for graphviz < 0.19