- class decaylanguage.DaughtersDict(iterable: dict[str, int] | Collection[str] | str | None = None, **kwds: Any)[source]¶
Class holding a decay final state as a dictionary. It is a building block for the digital representation of full decay chains.
This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the
method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings).Example
A final state such as ‘K+ K- K- pi+ pi0’ is stored as
{'K+': 1, 'K-': 2, 'pi+': 1, 'pi0': 1}
.- charge_conjugate(pdg_name: bool = False) Self [source]¶
Return the charge-conjugate final state.
- Parameters:
pdg_name (str, optional, default=False) – Input particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name.
>>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K+': 2, 'pi0': 1}) >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['K-', 'K-', 'pi0']> >>> >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K_S0': 1, 'pi0': 1}) >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['K_S0', 'pi0']> >>> >>> dd = DaughtersDict({'K(S)0': 1, 'pi+': 1}) # PDG names! >>> # 'K(S)0' unrecognised in charge conjugation unless specified that these are PDG names >>> dd.charge_conjugate() <DaughtersDict: ['ChargeConj(K(S)0)', 'pi-']> >>> dd.charge_conjugate(pdg_name=True) <DaughtersDict: ['K(S)0', 'pi-']>
- class decaylanguage.DecFileParser(*filenames: str | PathLike[str])[source]¶
The class to parse a .dec decay file.
>>> dfp = DecFileParser('my-decay-file.dec') >>> dfp.parse()
- build_decay_chains(mother: str, stable_particles: list[str] | set[str] | tuple[str] | tuple[()] = ()) dict[str, list[DecayModeDict]] [source]¶
Iteratively build the entire decay chains of a given mother particle, optionally considering, on the fly, certain particles as stable. This way, for example, only the B -> D E F part in a decay chain A -> B (-> D E F (-> G H)) C can be trivially selected for inspection.
- Parameters:
mother (str) – Input mother particle name.
stable_particles (iterable, optional, default=()) – If provided, stops the decay-chain parsing, taking the “list” as particles to be considered stable.
- Returns:
out (dict) – Decay chain as a dictionary of the form {mother: [{‘bf’: float, ‘fs’: list, ‘model’: str, ‘model_params’: str}]} where ‘bf’ stands for the decay mode branching fraction, ‘fs’ is a list of final-state particle names (strings) and/or dictionaries of the same form as the decay chain above, ‘model’ is the model name, if found, else ‘’, ‘model_params’ are the model parameters, if specified, else ‘’
>>> parser = DecFileParser('a-Dplus-decay-file.dec') >>> parser.parse() >>> parser.build_decay_chains('D+') {'D+': [{'bf': 1.0, 'fs': ['K-', 'pi+', 'pi+', {'pi0': [{'bf': 0.988228297, 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}, {'bf': 0.011738247, 'fs': ['e+', 'e-', 'gamma'], 'model': 'PI0_DALITZ', 'model_params': ''}, {'bf': 3.3392e-05, 'fs': ['e+', 'e+', 'e-', 'e-'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}, {'bf': 6.5e-08, 'fs': ['e+', 'e-'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}]}], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}]} >>> p.build_decay_chains('D+', stable_particles=['pi0']) {'D+': [{'bf': 1.0, 'fs': ['K-', 'pi+', 'pi+', 'pi0'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}]}
- dict_aliases() dict[str, str] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all alias definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “Alias <NAME> <ALIAS>”, as {‘NAME1’: ALIAS1, ‘NAME2’: ALIAS2, …}.
- dict_charge_conjugates() dict[str, str] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all charge conjugate definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “ChargeConj <PARTICLE> <CC_PARTICLE>”, as {‘PARTICLE1’: CC_PARTICLE1, ‘PARTICLE2’: CC_PARTICLE2, …}.
- dict_decays2copy() dict[str, str] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all statements in the input parsed file defining a decay to be copied, of the form “CopyDecay <NAME> <DECAY_TO_COPY>”, as {‘NAME1’: DECAY_TO_COPY1, ‘NAME2’: DECAY_TO_COPY2, …}.
- dict_definitions() dict[str, float] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “Define <NAME> <VALUE>”, as {‘NAME1’: VALUE1, ‘NAME2’: VALUE2, …}.
- dict_jetset_definitions() dict[str, dict[int, int | float | str]] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all JETSET definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “JetSetPar <MODULE>(<PARAMETER>)=<VALUE>” as {‘MODULE1’: {PARAMETER1: VALUE1, PARAMETER2: VALUE2, …},
‘MODULE2’: {…}, …}.
- dict_lineshape_settings() dict[str, dict[str, str | float]] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all lineshape settings, with keys corresponding to particle names or aliases, as {PARTICLE1: {‘lineshape’: ‘NAME1’, # E.g. “LSFLAT” or “LSNONRELBW”
‘BlattWeisskopf’: VALUE1, ‘ChangeMassMin’: VALUE12, ‘ChangeMassMax’: VALUE13},
- PARTICLE2: {‘lineshape’: ‘NAME2’,
‘BlattWeisskopf’: VALUE2, ‘ChangeMassMin’: VALUE22, ‘ChangeMassMax’: VALUE23, ‘IncludeBirthFactor’: TRUE_OR_FALSE, ‘IncludeDecayFactor’: TRUE_OR_FALSE},
} where not all “sub-dictionaries” may contain all and/or the same keys.
- dict_model_aliases() dict[str, list[str]] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all model alias definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “ModelAlias <NAME> <MODEL>”, as as {‘NAME1’: [MODEL_NAME, MODEL_OPTION1, MODEL_OPTION2,…],}.
- dict_pythia_definitions() dict[str, dict[str, str | float]] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all Pythia 8 commands “PythiaGenericParam” and/or “PythiaAliasParam” and/or “PythiaBothParam”, with keys corresponding to the 3 types specifying whether the command is for generic decays, alias decays, or both. The commands are set in the input parsed file with statements of the form “Pythia<TYPE>Param <MODULE>:<PARAM>=<LABEL_OR_VALUE>. The dictionary takes the form {“PythiaAliasParam”: {‘<MODULE1>:<PARAM1>’: ‘LABEL1’, ‘<MODULE1>:<PARAM2>’: VALUE2, …},
“PythiaBothParam”: {‘<MODULE2>:<PARAM3>’: ‘LABEL3’, ‘<MODULE3>:<PARAM4>’: VALUE4, …}, “PythiaGenericParam”: {‘<MODULE4>:<PARAM5>’: ‘LABEL5’, ‘<MODULE5>:<PARAM6>’: VALUE6, …}}.
- expand_decay_modes(particle: str) list[str] [source]¶
Return a list of expanded decay descriptors for the given (mother) particle. The set of decay final states is effectively split and returned as a list. NB: this implicitly reverts aliases back to the original (EvtGen) names.
- classmethod from_string(filecontent: str) Self [source]¶
Constructor from a .dec decay file provided as a multi-line string.
- Parameters:
filecontent (str) – Input .dec decay file content.
- get_particle_property_definitions() dict[str, dict[str, float]] [source]¶
Return a dictionary of all particle property definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “Particle <PARTICLE> <MASS> <WIDTH>” or “Particle <PARTICLE> <MASS>”, as {‘PARTICLE1’: {‘mass’: MASS1, ‘width’: WIDTH1},
‘PARTICLE2’: {‘mass’: MASS2, ‘width’: WIDTH2}, …}.
Masses and widths are in GeV in EvtGen, hence the “Particle <PARTICLE> <MASS>” statement needs to use GeV! A conversion to MeV may be done on the fly when information is required from the Particle package, which uses MeV, the (standard) HEP System of Units.
Particles are often defined via aliases and post-processing may be needed to match the mass and width to the actual particle.
The mass (width) parameter is compulsory (optional). When not specified, the width is taken from the particle or alias.
- global_photos_flag() int [source]¶
Return a boolean-like PhotosEnum enum specifying whether or not PHOTOS has been enabled.
Note: PHOTOS is turned on(off) for all decays with the global flag yesPhotos(noPhotos).
- Returns:
out (PhotosEnum, – PhotosEnum.yes / if PHOTOS enabled / disabled
- grammar() str [source]¶
Access the internal Lark grammar definition file, effectively loading the default grammar with default parsing options if no grammar has been loaded before.
- Returns:
out (str) – The Lark grammar definition file.
- grammar_info() dict[str, Any] [source]¶
Access the internal Lark grammar definition file name and parser options, effectively loading the default grammar with default parsing options if no grammar has been loaded before.
- Returns:
out (dict) – The Lark grammar definition file name and parser options.
- property grammar_loaded: bool¶
Check to see if the Lark grammar definition file is loaded.
- list_charge_conjugate_decays() list[str] [source]¶
Return a (sorted) list of all charge conjugate decay definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “CDecay <MOTHER>”, as [‘MOTHER1’, ‘MOTHER2’, …].
- list_decay_modes(mother: str, pdg_name: bool = False) list[list[str]] [source]¶
Return a list of decay modes for the given mother particle.
- Parameters:
mother (str) – Input mother particle name.
pdg_name (bool, optional, default=False) – Input mother particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name.
>>> parser = DecFileParser('my-decay-file.dec') >>> parser.parse() >>> # Inspect what decays are defined >>> parser.list_decay_mother_names() >>> parser.list_decay_modes('pi0')
- list_decay_mother_names() list[str | Any] [source]¶
Return a list of all decay mother names found in the parsed decay file.
- list_lineshapePW_definitions() list[tuple[list[str], int]] [source]¶
Return a list of all SetLineshapePW definitions in the input parsed file, of the form “SetLineshapePW <MOTHER> <DAUGHTER1> <DAUGHTER2> <VALUE>”, as [([‘MOTHER1’, ‘DAUGHTER1-1’, ‘DAUGHTER1-2’], VALUE1), ([‘MOTHER2’, ‘DAUGHTER2-1’, ‘DAUGHTER2-2’], VALUE2), …]
- load_additional_decay_models(*models: str) None [source]¶
Add one or more EvtGen decay models in addition to the ones already provided via
.- Parameters:
models (str) – names of the additional decay models to be considered.
- property number_of_decays: int¶
Return the number of particle decays defined in the parsed .dec file.
- parse(include_ccdecays: bool = True) None [source]¶
Parse the given .dec decay file(s) according to the default Lark parser and specified options.
Use the method
to load decay models that might not yet be available in DecayLanguage.- Parameters:
include_ccdecays (boolean, optional, default=True) – Choose whether or not to consider charge-conjugate decays, which are specified via “CDecay <MOTHER>”. Make sure you understand the consequences of ignoring charge conjugate decays - you won’t have a complete picture otherwise!
- print_decay_modes(mother: str, pdg_name: bool = False, print_model: bool = True, display_photos_keyword: bool = True, ascending: bool = False, normalize: bool = False, scale: float | None = None) None [source]¶
Pretty print of the decay modes of a given particle, optionally with decay model information and/or normalisation or scaling of the branching fractions.
Branching fractions are truncated to 7 significant digits for readability.
- Parameters:
mother (str) – Input mother particle name.
pdg_name (bool, optional, default=False) – Input mother particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name.
print_model (bool, optional, default=True) – Specify whether to print the decay model and model parameters, if available.
display_photos_keyword (bool, optional, default=True) – Display the “PHOTOS” keyword in decay models.
ascending (bool, optional, default=False) – Print the list of decay modes ordered in ascending/descending order of branching fraction.
normalize (bool, optional, default=False) – Print the branching fractions normalized to unity. The printing does not affect the values parsed and actually stored in memory.
scale (float | None, optional, default=None) – If not None, the branching fractions (BFs) are normalized to the given value, which is taken to be the BF of the highest-BF mode of the list. Must be a number in the range ]0, 1].
>>> s = '''Decay MyD_0*+ ... 0.533 MyD0 pi+ PHSP; ... 0.08 MyD*0 pi+ pi0 PHSP; ... 0.0271 MyD*+ pi0 pi0 PHSP; ... 0.0542 MyD*+ pi+ pi- PHSP; ... Enddecay ... ''' >>> p = DecFileParser.from_string(s) >>> p.parse() >>> >>> # Simply print what has been parsed >>> p.print_decay_modes("MyD_0*+") 0.533 MyD0 pi+ PHSP; 0.08 MyD*0 pi+ pi0 PHSP; 0.0542 MyD*+ pi+ pi- PHSP; 0.0271 MyD*+ pi0 pi0 PHSP; >>> >>> # Print normalizing the sum of all mode BFs to unity >>> p.print_decay_modes("MyD_0*+", normalize=True) 0.7676797 MyD0 pi+ PHSP; 0.115224 MyD*0 pi+ pi0 PHSP; 0.07806424 MyD*+ pi+ pi- PHSP; 0.03903212 MyD*+ pi0 pi0 PHSP; >>> >>> # Print scaling all BFs relative to the BF of the highest-BF mode in the list, >>> # the latter being set to the value of "scale". >>> # In this example the decay file as printed would effectively signal, for inspection, >>> # that about 35% of the total decay width is not accounted for in the list of modes, >>> # since the sum of probabilities, interpreted as BFs, sum to about 65%. >>> p.print_decay_modes("MyD_0*+", scale=0.5) 0.5 MyD0 pi+ PHSP; 0.0750469 MyD*0 pi+ pi0 PHSP; 0.05084428 MyD*+ pi+ pi- PHSP; 0.02542214 MyD*+ pi0 pi0 PHSP;
- class decaylanguage.DecayChain(mother: str, decays: dict[str, DecayMode])[source]¶
Class holding a particle (single) decay chain, which is typically a top-level decay (mother particle, branching fraction and final-state particles) and a set of sub-decays for any non-stable particle in the top-level decay. The whole chain can be seen as a mother particle and a list of chained decay modes.
This class is the main building block for the digital representation of full decay chains.
1) Only single chains are supported, meaning every decaying particle can only define a single decay mode. 2) This class does not assume any kind of particle names (EvtGen, PDG). It is nevertheless advised to default use EvtGen names for consistency with the defaults used in the related classes
, unless there is a good motivation not to.- property bf: float¶
Branching fraction of the top-level decay.
- flatten(stable_particles: Iterable[dict[str, int] | list[str] | str] = ()) Self [source]¶
Flatten the decay chain replacing all intermediate, decaying particles, with their final states.
- Parameters:
stable_particles (iterable, optional, default=()) – If provided, ignores the sub-decays of the listed particles, considering them as stable.
After flattening the only
metadata kept is that of the top-level decay, i.e. that of the mother particle (nothing else would make sense).Examples
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0', model='PHSP') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2, 'pi0':dm3}) >>> >>> dc.flatten() <DecayChain: D0 -> gamma gamma pi+ pi- (0 sub-decays), BF=0.008479803984> >>> dc.flatten().to_dict() {'D0': [{'bf': 0.008479803984, 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma', 'pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}]}
>>> dc.flatten(stable_particles=('K_S0', 'pi0')).decays {'D0': <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 pi0, BF=0.0124>}
- classmethod from_dict(decay_chain_dict: Dict[str, List[DecayModeDict]]) Self [source]¶
Constructor from a decay chain represented as a dictionary. The format is the same as that returned by
- property ndecays: int¶
Return the number of decay modes including the top-level decay.
- print_as_tree() None [source]¶
Tree-structure like print of the entire decay chain.
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.028, 'K_S0 pi+ pi-') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D0 +--> K_S0 | +--> pi+ | +--> pi- +--> pi+ +--> pi-
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2, 'pi0':dm3}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D0 +--> K_S0 | +--> pi+ | +--> pi- +--> pi0 +--> gamma +--> gamma
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.6770, 'D0 pi+') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.0124, 'K_S0 pi0') >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dm4 = DecayMode(0.98823, 'gamma gamma') >>> dc = DecayChain('D*+', {'D*+':dm1, 'D0':dm2, 'K_S0':dm3, 'pi0':dm4}) >>> dc.print_as_tree() D*+ +--> D0 | +--> K_S0 | | +--> pi+ | | +--> pi- | +--> pi0 | +--> gamma | +--> gamma +--> pi+
- to_dict() Dict[str, List[DecayModeDict]] [source]¶
Return the decay chain as a dictionary representation. The format is the same as
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.028, 'K_S0 pi+ pi-') >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.692, 'pi+ pi-') >>> dc = DecayChain('D0', {'D0':dm1, 'K_S0':dm2}) >>> dc.to_dict() {'D0': [{'bf': 0.028, 'fs': [{'K_S0': [{'bf': 0.692, 'fs': ['pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': '', 'model_params': ''}]}, 'pi+', 'pi-'], 'model': '', 'model_params': ''}]}
- to_string() str [source]¶
One-line string representation of the entire decay chain. Sub-decays are enclosed in round parentheses.
>>> dm1 = DecayMode(0.6770, "D0 pi+") # D*+ >>> dm2 = DecayMode(0.0124, "K_S0 pi0") # D0 >>> dm3 = DecayMode(0.692, "pi+ pi-") # K_S0 >>> dm4 = DecayMode(0.98823, "gamma gamma") # pi0 >>> dc = DecayChain("D*+", {"D*+":dm1, "D0":dm2, "K_S0":dm3, "pi0":dm4}) >>> print(dc.to_string()) D*+ -> (D0 -> (K_S0 -> pi+ pi-) (pi0 -> gamma gamma)) pi+
- property visible_bf: float¶
Visible branching fraction of the whole decay chain.
Calculation requires a flattening of the entire decay chain.
- class decaylanguage.DecayChainViewer(decaychain: dict[str, list[dict[str, float | str | list[Any]]]], **attrs: dict[str, bool | int | float | str])[source]¶
The class to visualize a decay chain.
>>> dfp = DecFileParser('my-Dst-decay-file.dec') >>> dfp.parse() >>> chain = dfp.build_decay_chains('D*+') >>> dcv = DecayChainViewer(chain) >>> # display the SVG figure in a notebook >>> dcv
When not in notebooks the graph can easily be visualized with the
functions, e.g.: >>> dcv.graph.render(filename=”test”, format=”pdf”, view=True, cleanup=True) # doctest: +SKIP- property graph: Digraph¶
Get the actual
object. The user now has full control …
- class decaylanguage.DecayMode(bf: float = 0, daughters: DaughtersDict | dict[str, int] | list[str] | tuple[str] | str | None = None, **info: Any)[source]¶
Class holding a particle decay mode, which is typically a branching fraction and a list of final-state particles (i.e. a list of DaughtersDict instances). The class can also contain metadata such as decay model and optional decay-model parameters, as defined for example in .dec decay files.
This class is a building block for the digital representation of full decay chains.
This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the
method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings).- charge_conjugate(pdg_name: bool = False) Self [source]¶
Return the charge-conjugate decay mode.
- Parameters:
pdg_name (str, optional, default=False) – Input particle name is the PDG name, not the (default) EvtGen name.
>>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K+ K+ pi-') >>> dm.charge_conjugate() <DecayMode: daughters=K- K- pi+, BF=1.0> >>> >>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K_S0 pi+') >>> dm.charge_conjugate() <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 pi-, BF=1.0> >>> >>> dm = DecayMode(1.0, 'K(S)0 pi+') # PDG names! >>> dm.charge_conjugate(pdg_name=True) <DecayMode: daughters=K(S)0 pi-, BF=1.0>
- classmethod from_dict(decay_mode_dict: DecayModeDict) Self [source]¶
Constructor from a dictionary of the form {‘bf’: <float>, ‘fs’: […], …}. These two keys are mandatory. All others are interpreted as model information or metadata, see the constructor signature and doc.
This class assumes EvtGen particle names, though this assumption is only relevant for the
method. Otherwise, all other class methods smoothly deal with any kind of particle names (basically an iterable of strings).Examples
>>> # Simplest construction >>> DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.98823, 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma']}) <DecayMode: daughters=gamma gamma, BF=0.98823>
>>> # Decay mode with decay model details >>> DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.98823, ... 'fs': ['gamma', 'gamma'], ... 'model': 'PHSP', ... 'model_params': ''}) <DecayMode: daughters=gamma gamma, BF=0.98823>
>>> # Decay mode with metadata for generators such as zfit's phasespace >>> dm = DecayMode.from_dict({'bf': 0.5, 'fs': ["K+, K-"], "zfit": {"B0": "gauss"}}) >>> dm.metadata {'model': '', 'model_params': '', 'zfit': {'B0': 'gauss'}}
- classmethod from_pdgids(bf: float = 0, daughters: list[int] | tuple[int] | None = None, **info: Any) Self [source]¶
Constructor for a final state given as a list of particle PDG IDs.
- Parameters:
bf (float, optional, default=0) – Decay mode branching fraction.
daughters (list or tuple, optional, default=None) – The final-state particle PDG IDs.
info (keyword arguments, optional) – Decay mode model information and/or user metadata (aka extra info) By default the following elements are always created: dict(model=None, model_params=None). The user can provide any metadata, see the examples below.
All particle names are internally saved as EvtGen names, to be consistent with the default class assumption, see class docstring.
>>> DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, [321, -321]) <DecayMode: daughters=K+ K-, BF=0.5>
>>> DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, (310, 310)) <DecayMode: daughters=K_S0 K_S0, BF=0.5>
>>> # Decay mode with metadata >>> dm = DecayMode.from_pdgids(0.5, (310, 310), model="PHSP") >>> dm.metadata {'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': ''}
- to_dict() dict[str, int | float | str | list[str]] [source]¶
Return the decay mode as a dictionary in the format understood by the
>>> dm = DecayMode(0.5, 'K+ K- K- pi- pi0 nu_tau', model='PHSP', study='toy', year=2019) >>> dm.to_dict() {'bf': 0.5, 'fs': ['K+', 'K-', 'K-', 'nu_tau', 'pi-', 'pi0'], 'model': 'PHSP', 'model_params': '', 'study': 'toy', 'year': 2019}